Chapter 9 begins Solomon's final conclusion of all he has searched out under the sun. He begins chapter 9 reminding us that all men, (the good and the bad, the righteous and the foolish, the rich and the poor, the clean and the unclean, those who sacrifice and those who do not sacrifice) ALL men (as in all humans) have the same end, death.  The first part of Hebrews 9:27 tells us that 'it is appointed unto men once to die'. There is no escaping it.

Solomon concluded, just like we read about in the days of Noah, that men's hearts are full of evil while they live. Verse 4 brings a glimmer of our view 'above the sun': 'For to him that is joined to all the living there is hope:'.  Why should we take advantage of that time of hope? Because the end of Hebrews 9:27 tells us that after our appointment with death, comes judgment. Once we close our eyes in death, there is no more laboring 'under the sun'.  There is no more time to get things right or make amends. While we are living, there is still hope of getting our hearts right with our Creator. Jesus died and rose again so that we could have hope. That should make us shout!

Solomon tells us to be full of joy and to keep a merry heart. He tells us several times through the book of Ecclesiastes to enjoy the fruits of our labor. It is a gift from God. God wants us to enjoy the life he has given us. Life is uncertain. We all face difficult times.  Enjoy the good times!

I cannot go through this chapter and not well point out verses 9! 'Live joyfully with the wife who thou lovest all the days of the life of they vanity, which he hath given thee under the sun, all the days of thy vanity: for that is thy portion in this life, and in thy labour which thou takest under the sun.' Husbands, love your wives and live joyfully with them. Wives, love your husbands and be a wife your husband can enjoy. ❤  You are God's gift to each other in this life.

Verse 10 says, 'Whatsoever thy hand findeth to do, do it with thy might; for there is no work, nor device, nor knowledge, nor wisdom, in the grave, wither thou goest.' Reading it brings to remembrance Colossians 3:23, 'And whatsoever ye do, do it heartily, as to the Lord, and not unto men.' Don't look at your job as just making it to pay day.  Don't look at washing that umpteenth load of laundry as just putting clean close on your family. Do everything just like you are doing it for the Lord, because you really are doing it unto the Lord. This walk is all about you and God. The attitude I have on the work place and the attitude I have taking care of my household, is the attitude I am giving the Lord. The way I treat my husband, children, parents, neighbor, boss, and even the grouchy lady in the grocery store, is how I am treating my Heavenly Father.  Sometimes, we sure need his help with that, don't we? 

I like how the Life Application Bible breaks down verse eleven. 'It isn't difficult to think of cases where the swiftest or the strongest don't win, the wise remain poor, and the skillful are unknown for their talents. Some see such examples and call life unfair, and they are right. Mankind has twisted life, making it what God did not intend. Solomon is trying to reduce our expectations of this imperfect world. The book of Proverbs emphasizes how life would go if everyone acted fairly; Ecclesiastes explains what often happens in our less than perfect world. We must keep our perspective by remembering that we live in a fallen world. Don't let the inequities of life keep your from earnest, dedicated work. It is God we serve, not people.'

We read in verses 13-16 of a wise man who saved a little city from a great and powerful king.  And yet in such a huge accomplishment, the wise man never received recognition. He wasn't even remembered. Solomon still found that wisdom was better than strength, even without the recognition. God sees it all and he keeps a great record. I love how the Ecclesiastes Wisdom for Living Well Bible Study  put it: 'There are many Biblically wise people who go without recognition or reward every single day. They serve in our churches, schools, communities and on the mission field. They serve the sick and the hungry. They love and listen and take meals to those who need comforted. they counsel, lead children's Sunday school classes, mentor teens and open their homes for fellowship. the world does not call these people wise but they are the wisest of all. They value what God values and though there are few rewards for them here on earth, on day God will reward them.'

'The words of the wise men are heard in the quiet more than the cry of him that ruleth among fools. Wisdom is better than weapons of war: but one sinner destroyeth much good.' - Ecclesiastes 9:17-18

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